id: 5.1-airspace title: 5.1 Airspace meta: Summary of Infinite Flight Airspace. order: 1 #

5.1 Airspace #

5.1.1 #

Controller airspace is defined by it’s vertical jurisdiction, lateral boundaries and frequency range for the facility being operated. Below is a summary for each Controller position:

Facility Vertical Jurisdiction Lateral Boundary
Tower SFC - 5000ft AAL Most immediate ring/boundary surrounding the airport
Departure/Approach SFC - 18,000ft/FL180 50nm
Center SFC - 60,000ft/FL600 White boundaries

Airspace parameters and ATC jurisdictions may be altered with the use of NOTAMs and/or TFRs during special events

Image - Airspace layout

5.1.2 #

Departure/Approach facilities are intended to service a single airport or cluster of airports in close proximity, whereas Center is a region based facility that fills in the gaps outside of Departure/Approach radio range.

5.1.3 #

Center Controller’s may exercise Departure/Approach functions in the absence of a terminal radar facility (i.e. Departure/Approach), though this should{.red} be limited, with the primary focus on Center Controller roles (see 6.6.1 below).

5.1.4 #

Special Use airspaces such as Military Operating Areas (MOAS), Warning Areas and Restricted Areas are identified with magenta boundaries. For the purposes of Infinite Flight these are currently not enforced or monitored.

5.1.5 #

The different types of airspace are defined using a color code and these are shown in the following table for information only{.red}:

Airspace Type Color Code
Class B Blue
Class C Magenta
Class D Light Blue
Terminal Control Area Light Green
Flight Information Region (FIR) White